"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)
The winner of the giveaway is Gadgetguy05. . .
Please don't get angry if you didn't win we have lots of giveaways and he won fair because random.org mixed up the numbers.
The Strange Cowboy Part 1
Hey penguin pals, heres a new story for y'all.
Once there was a cowboy, who lived in the Wild, Wild, Cove.
He wasn't any good cowboy, he was a bad boy. So one day he was riding his horse when he came to a forest! He knew it would be a great hideout!
So he set up a tent. Then, one day, a penguin came to him, saying, "Who's in that tent?" But the cowboy got back on his horse and rode back to the cove, where he had built a new hideout, but it wasn't a tent. It was a straw cove. One day the cowboy came across another penguin. The penguin said, "Hi there, sir! Why are you here in the forest?" And the cowboy replied, "You don't know what I'm up to. . . AND YOU NEVER WILL!" Then he ran back to the forest in a hiding place. But he dropped something because he was going so fast. . .
Once there was a cowboy, who lived in the Wild, Wild, Cove.
He wasn't any good cowboy, he was a bad boy. So one day he was riding his horse when he came to a forest! He knew it would be a great hideout!
So he set up a tent. Then, one day, a penguin came to him, saying, "Who's in that tent?" But the cowboy got back on his horse and rode back to the cove, where he had built a new hideout, but it wasn't a tent. It was a straw cove. One day the cowboy came across another penguin. The penguin said, "Hi there, sir! Why are you here in the forest?" And the cowboy replied, "You don't know what I'm up to. . . AND YOU NEVER WILL!" Then he ran back to the forest in a hiding place. But he dropped something because he was going so fast. . .
Club Penguin- Rising Membership Prices!
Hey everyone, its sad that Membership Prices are starting to rise! Some people are very sad about it. That's because they can no longer afford the new prices since they only have money for the old prices and some people can't renew there membership for the prices! I am also not allowed to do member giveaways since membership cards have higher prices. I can still have membership for my penguin since they still give me the same prices. Club Penguin please lower the prices for atleast 15% off, or have discounts on memberships on a certain month each year so people can have it! I really saw people who have got upset for the prices. You should also have membership contests on your website to have some penguins win a lifetime membership to there penguin.
[P.S Comment on how you feel about this!]
[P.S Comment on how you feel about this!]
Non-Members. . . :)
I was thinking about this, well, one day every year non-members be members. But I think that that day should be expanded to a week. That would really help.
And I was also thinking, well, some non-members are really sad because they can't afford a membership, or aren't allowed to have one, etc. So I was ALSO thinking there should be a NON-MEMBER PARTY!
Everything would be for ONLY non-members! Or just make EVERY party be for non-members too. :)
And this is why. . . I MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT do a membership giveaway. . . MIGHT.
And I was also thinking, well, some non-members are really sad because they can't afford a membership, or aren't allowed to have one, etc. So I was ALSO thinking there should be a NON-MEMBER PARTY!
Everything would be for ONLY non-members! Or just make EVERY party be for non-members too. :)
And this is why. . . I MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT do a membership giveaway. . . MIGHT.
PLEASE Club Penguin? :)
Trying on new suits. . .
Hey penguins! I've been thinking, why dosen't Club Penguin sell neck ties anymore?See. . . because of the time I started playing Club Penguin, I only have one neck tie. Always the same old blue tie! So I thought, Club Penguin, what about some new ties? Maybe bring back some old ties, or make new ones, I don't know. But see, with the same tie all the time, it starts to look bad with other outfits!
Please fix this Club Penguin. Please with a cherry on top. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Ok. . .
It's also the same with bow ties. There is only ONE bow tie in Club Penguin HISTORY! We need more bow ties too. There could be pink ones for girls, or ones with designs, but REALLY? I mean. . . It's the same old bow tie every time!
FUN With Friends :)
Finished a new igloo, checking for how the advertising is working.
Hey there penguin pals! Today I made a new library igloo! I made lots of people come. My trick to advertising is: Advertise the whole time your allowed to be on the computer, and when your about to log off, look fast at your igloo. Anyways, I met my friend 1aredrocka1!
So I first came to check, and I saw 1aredrocka1!
I told him I would be right back and I quickly checked out a book. :D
So I told him it was nice to see him, and we wondered what to do next.
Then I got on a computer and started playing CP!
As you can see, 1aredrocka1 did the same.
At the forest 1aredrocka1 was midieval and I was a good angel!
Then we decided to go camping. . .
And we had a big camping adventure. . .
Thanks for the fun, friends!
Vote for this blog now today!
Hey guys! Well, vote for us today! Catagories we are in: Best site and Most helpful . Vote at http://clubpenguinhelptoday.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/club-penguin-help-today-awards-of-2012-voting/
4 Minute til battle Woddylans army and lighting troops!
Its 11:57 PST! No one is here yet come and help out!
Godzilla Club penguin Edition [ Sneak Peek]
Here it is, a great sneak peak of the story! I wrote one so you can get an idea of how the story will begin! Lets go on and read...
A penguin named Mark was watching the news on TV, he saw the report of Godzilla attacking New York City! He was very into the footage, but he was also frightened at the big dinosaur!'' OMG, that's a big dinosaur! How can that happen, is this a dream?'' He said to himself.
He recorded some of the footage to share with his friends! He used a Ultra HD Flip Camera with full battery! The very next day he ran to the Coffee Shop to meet up with his friends and show the video! While all of his friends watched the video they had fear inside them that they wouldn't want to share. Mark friends were Dylan, Jack, and Kasy!
To Be Continued .........
Next Week the Full Edition will be out! I can't wait for you to see!
A penguin named Mark was watching the news on TV, he saw the report of Godzilla attacking New York City! He was very into the footage, but he was also frightened at the big dinosaur!'' OMG, that's a big dinosaur! How can that happen, is this a dream?'' He said to himself.
He recorded some of the footage to share with his friends! He used a Ultra HD Flip Camera with full battery! The very next day he ran to the Coffee Shop to meet up with his friends and show the video! While all of his friends watched the video they had fear inside them that they wouldn't want to share. Mark friends were Dylan, Jack, and Kasy!
To Be Continued .........
Next Week the Full Edition will be out! I can't wait for you to see!
The TRUE CP Story - Full Size
Club Penguin never started the
way everyone thought it did. Once upon a time, there was one explorer human
named “Lane Merrifield” who loved exploring the wilderness. One day he was
sailing and found an iceberg. He thought, “I’m going to explore this iceberg!”
So he parked his boat and got on the iceberg. He saw a big bump in the iceberg.
He knew that was usual. Then, he sat down to look at the view.
Giveaway Soon
Just joining a line. . . or should I say SIGN ARMY?
Hey penguins! I am having a giveaway in probably a little bit longer than a month. This is my third giveaway. Now, when the time comes, I hope people enter because I buy these products MYSELF, and they are SUPER DUPER EXPENSIVE. When the time comes, PLEASE enter the contest! Thank you!!
Hey penguins! I am having a giveaway in probably a little bit longer than a month. This is my third giveaway. Now, when the time comes, I hope people enter because I buy these products MYSELF, and they are SUPER DUPER EXPENSIVE. When the time comes, PLEASE enter the contest! Thank you!!
FUN With Friends :)
Logging on, seeing a friend. A second later another friend comes.
Hey penguins! Today I logged on, and my friend, Ocean6100, was there! And then a second later, my other buddy, Phineas99, shows up! Here are some cool pictures I took. :)
Hey penguins! Today I logged on, and my friend, Ocean6100, was there! And then a second later, my other buddy, Phineas99, shows up! Here are some cool pictures I took. :)
Winking to each other. My new friend Pandalolipop is there too!
Phineas99 is digging to the center of the earth. Meanwhile, the rest of us are eating and my new friend Cutie64384 joins in the fun.
We knew it would be hard work to go all the way to the center of the earth with only one person, so we helped him out!
Everyone except Pandalolipop and Cutie64384 flew high into the sky I mean my igloo!
We all got our lassos out so we can catch things!
Sadly Ocean6100 left. :( BUT me and Phineas99 still found how to still have fun. :D
Visit My Other Blog, CP Igloo Ideas! :D
Looking at my other blog's views, being surprised.
Hey guys. My other blog, Club Penguin Igloo Ideas, is getting no viewers. That means no views, too. Plus, no followers. Please visit, follow, and comment on it! Thanks guys! Please make this another one of your visit-everyday blogs! Thanks!
From Your Friend,
Short Break !
Hey guys, most of our staff have a state test from Tuesday- Thursday! So I am giving everyone who has to take the test a short break from Monday- Thursday if they want to. This break should help you do better on your tests, you know if you fail you will repeat the grade! All the state testers will also get a break from Wednesday April 25- to Friday April 27 if you want! Woddylan, If this gets you angry, I am sorry , I want most of our authors to pass and not fail and get left back! One or two of you will not have to take it, but you will take it soon! Anyway I have to take it too, I am ten in fourth grade so I have to and I got left back before for failing so I know how it feels!
The TRUE CP Story: Actors Needed For Movie
Still working on my new story. . .
Hey penguins! Some of you have heard of my new club penguin story, called, The TRUE CP Story. If you want to be an actor, comment with who you want to be. Here is what you need to know:
Hey penguins! Some of you have heard of my new club penguin story, called, The TRUE CP Story. If you want to be an actor, comment with who you want to be. Here is what you need to know:
- Rehearsals will be posted soon
- Here are the spots you can and can't have:
- Billybob/Lane Merrifield/Explorer (1) - Taken By Woddylan
- Extra (5) - Extra #1 Taken By York313 | Extra #2 Taken By Mcstamper | Extra #3 Taken By Penguiin23 | Extra #4 Taken by pppemjo |
- Gary (1) - Taken By Gadgetguy05
- Rockhopper (1) - 3Spongebob2
FUN With Friends :)
I've been thinking, where have my friends been? Logged on to Club Penguin, saw them, and joined the fun.
Hey there penguin pals! Nice to see all of you! Today I was logging on to Club Penguin and guess what, my two pals, Icequix and Penguiin23 were there! So I would like to show you some pictures of us having fun. :D
Meeting new friends, getting to know them at my igloo. :)
Hey there penguin pals! Nice to see all of you! Today I was logging on to Club Penguin and guess what, my two pals, Icequix and Penguiin23 were there! So I would like to show you some pictures of us having fun. :D
Meeting new friends, getting to know them at my igloo. :)
Godzilla, Club Penguin Edition
I was watching Godzilla yesterday at home, my brother, sister, and me were thinking about if they and me would make a story and/or movie of Godzilla in there version's! Well I chose to do a movie and story of it! Well the story will be Godzilla- Club Penguin Edition! The story will be quite long, but the movie will be awesome too, it might not be like the movie 100% but it is funnier! So before I sign off I got to tell you a little about the story, after Godzilla attacks New York City, Godzilla attacks Club Penguin as well! Everyone must have a plan to get rid of Godzilla! The story will be here tommorow ad the movie will come in early May! Signing of now!
I will never have just one outfit like woddylan exept one for each month!! Like next month in may ill have a black knight costume on!
- York313
The TRUE Club Penguin Story :D
Working on a new story, wondering what should happen next in the story.
Hey there, penguin pals! I've got some exciting news. Well, I've been working on a new story. I call it, "The TRUE Club Penguin Story". It's about how Club Penguin really started. The funny part is I called it "The TRUE Club Penguin Story" even though its a twisted version of how Club Penguin started. I might even, sometime after the story is released, make a movie for it! Here is a little trailer I put together:
Hey there, penguin pals! I've got some exciting news. Well, I've been working on a new story. I call it, "The TRUE Club Penguin Story". It's about how Club Penguin really started. The funny part is I called it "The TRUE Club Penguin Story" even though its a twisted version of how Club Penguin started. I might even, sometime after the story is released, make a movie for it! Here is a little trailer I put together:
Sorry about not posting
Gammak here
I'm very sorry about not posting. I have lost my computer, phone, and my tv. I will post soon.
note to woddylan: please email me please
EDP: First Contest :)
Hey there penguins! Today I want to show you a picture. . .
For the contest, answer these two questions:
For the contest, answer these two questions:
- What should the prize be (please don't say coin code)
- What is the name of the animal in the picture?
You must answer both questions in a comment.
Thank you Richard Brown Phtotography (also known as my dad's company) for taking all of the pictures.
Changes/Updates :)
Hey guys! I have some exciting changes and updates that this blog will soon be getting!
Change #1: Outfits - So I've been thinking, why do I always have to wear the same old outfit all the time? I wanna have some fun! I don't like not being allowed to change my clothes! So I'm doing something different. From now on I won't have any specific outfit. I'll always have random outfits. So on the "Team" page it will have one of my outfits.
Change #2: Header - Well, because, as you can see, I'm not wearing any specific outfit. So that means, different header time! I have decided to always stick with the header so once one header is up, please don't change it.
Change #3: Different Feelings - I've decided to be more like Saraapril, or Ethan80561. You may not understand this. Here is what I mean. I will start to have :D or :) at the end of ALL my posts.
Change #4: Pictures - I will start to add more pictures to my blog. Like Echo006, kind of.
Change #5: Life Messages - I asked Icequix if I could use his idea. I told him I would give full credit. I will give you more information if Icequix says yes.
Change #1: Outfits - So I've been thinking, why do I always have to wear the same old outfit all the time? I wanna have some fun! I don't like not being allowed to change my clothes! So I'm doing something different. From now on I won't have any specific outfit. I'll always have random outfits. So on the "Team" page it will have one of my outfits.
Change #2: Header - Well, because, as you can see, I'm not wearing any specific outfit. So that means, different header time! I have decided to always stick with the header so once one header is up, please don't change it.
Change #3: Different Feelings - I've decided to be more like Saraapril, or Ethan80561. You may not understand this. Here is what I mean. I will start to have :D or :) at the end of ALL my posts.
Change #4: Pictures - I will start to add more pictures to my blog. Like Echo006, kind of.
Change #5: Life Messages - I asked Icequix if I could use his idea. I told him I would give full credit. I will give you more information if Icequix says yes.
EDP: Polar Bears
So the first thing that we will do in earth day Polloza we will talk about Polor Bears and things that are going on to them!


Polar Bears are really endangered. They live in the artic and there white, cute bears! they used to be hunted years ago, but it is now against the law to hunt them. So now they are being endangered due to Global Warming! Global Warming destroys homes of animals, isn't that sad! There is a very small population of Polar Bears and if they continue to die they will soon be extinct. Extinct means when the last one dies and there is no more of a type of animal left! So lets try our best to keep them alive!
How to keep them alive:
Polar Bears are really endangered. They live in the artic and there white, cute bears! they used to be hunted years ago, but it is now against the law to hunt them. So now they are being endangered due to Global Warming! Global Warming destroys homes of animals, isn't that sad! There is a very small population of Polar Bears and if they continue to die they will soon be extinct. Extinct means when the last one dies and there is no more of a type of animal left! So lets try our best to keep them alive!
How to keep them alive:
- Donate money to charties to keep them alive!
- When you see a stuffed animal most of time you should buy it since the money you pay sometimes will get donated!
- Talk to people and family members about it and tell them how it feels!
- Start a charity, march, or program to save these animals!
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