Table Of Contents
1. The Pizza Parlor Mystery
2. The EPF
3. The TRUE CP Story
4. The Strange Cowboy
5. ZX4237 Files/Dustin Smith Files: Missing Gary/Operation Blackout
6. Smith Moose's Adventure/Dustin Smith's Diary
7. The Diaries Of Jack Rider: Where Is G Billy?
8. Mason Rider: A Busy Penguin's Life
The Pizza Parlor Mystery
The owner of the Pizza Parlor was telling waiters what to do one day. Just as the waiters left to serve customers, they suddenly noticed they were all GONE! They were there when the waiters and the owner were talking! And they didn't get mad from not getting their food quick enough or anything! The waiters went over to the owner. The owner was flipping through a book, not noticing everyone was gone. "Boss! Boss! Everyone disappeared for no reason! There orders were all on time!!" said the waiters in a worried voice. The owner was still flipping through the book, "No they hav(he looks up)-Oh wait!! You are right! Something is wrong here. . .". "Yeah!" replied one of the waiters. "I think I might know what is going on," said one of the waiters. "The RPF is attacking! They tricked Sensei to tell them how to use ninja powers so they could make everyone disappear! They might be in the EPF right now! Let's go look!". The boss said, "Let's talk to Sensei about it first. I can do this alone though, you guys stay here.". "Okay," replied the waiters. The owner left. When he got into the Dojo, Sensei said, "Welcome my fellow grasshopper.". "Hello, Sensei. I need to ask you something. Did some non-ninjas come in and ask how to use ninja powers?".
Sensei replied, "Yes, they did.". So the owner warned him, "Those penguins were from the RPF. Me and my waiters need your help to catch them.". So Sensei said, "Yes, Grasshopper, I shall help you.". "Great!" said the boss. They both ninja-vanished to the Pizza Parlor. All the waiters said, "Hey Sensei!". Everyone got their EPF uniform on. Even Sensei!
Then the owner looked in the cash register because he hid his gear in it. "Oh no," said the owner, "THEY STOLE MY MONEY AND GEAR TOO!!!". "Don't panic, grasshopper. We will solve this mystery.". The owner replied, "Yeah. . . ok.". "Now guys" said the boss, "Let's go to the EPF!". So they all got their spy phones and teleported. When they entered they saw a flash of black for a slight second. They knew the RPF was near. The owner whispered, "You need to be quiet. That is the key". They all decided to wear camouflage clothes so they wouldn't be noticed.
Then they saw a RPF Agent come out, not noticing other people in the room. He said, "HAHAHA, I've got the gear and money from that Pizza Parlor! They will never know I did it". Everyone thought it would be more than just him, but it was just him. The EPF Agents slowly and silently gathered and whispered. "We need to get him!" "We can't! It's too dangerous!" "We are brave we can do it." "Ok". Everyone got back into uniform. "WE WILL GET YOU!!!" they all screamed at the same time. The RPF Agent was a scaredy cat so he ran away. But Sensei kept vanishing and appearing next to him. Finally he said, "Fine. I give up. Here is your money.". Sensei said, "Say "I surrender.".". So he said that he surrendered. Now the owner said, "Now, wear EPF uniform.". So he did. And they were all happy. They gave thanks to each other for helping and they all had the best day ever.
The TRUE CP Story
He noticed an island! A white island! The first ever, white island! He knew he would be famous for discovering this. He didn’t like being called by his actual name, so he came up with the name “Billybob” “Yep”, he thought “Billybob, The Famous Explorer!” So he took his boat (he named his boat Hydro Hopper) and sailed to the island. He was amazed!!! It had everything! But he wondered, “Who made this? Wait a second. . . THIS MUST BE A DREAM!! I sketched this whole island in my favorite notepad! The same with the iceberg! I must be in Wonderland! Yep, Billybob In Wonderland, no that doesn't sound right.” He had just sketched penguins in his notepad. Penguins popped up everywhere! It was as if they were always there, but invisible! They all huddled. Billybob wondered what was going on. Five minutes later, they all crowded around Billybob and bowed to him. He said, “What’s going on here? They all said, “Welcome master!” Billybob said “Wha-master!? Ohh. . . because I drew you” They all chanted, “BILLYBOB!” “BILLYBOB!” And more and more penguins came when he drew more. If he drew a penguin with a hat, a penguin with a hat came. If he drew a penguin with a scarf, a penguin with a scarf came. It had to be a dream, but it wasn’t! Just then, Billybob turned from Billybob the human to Billybob the penguin! Now he was a penguin too! After he transformed these items appeared on him: A Green Letterman Jacket, Red Ball Cap, and brown shoes. That was the best time of his life! They all waddled over to the night club and made it full! They danced and partied all day! They found a Sports Shop at the Ski Village. They all wanted to try on clothes with Billybob. They went inside the fitting room and to their surprise they were inside of a headquarters. There everyone saw a penguin with a lab coat, glasses, and a tie. Billybob said, “I remember making you!” And the penguin said to everyone, “Hello, my name is Gary. I invent things and am second leader of the Penguin Secret Agents. Are you all ready to become an agent?” “Yeah!!” everyone said. So Gary passed out spy phones to everyone. He told everyone about Herbert and Klutzy, and everything else they needed to know about being an agent. Then they went to the beach to relax, when they saw a pirate ship arrive! The first red penguin (because that color wasn't available) with a beard and a pirate hat came out. “Arr!” he said, “I be Captain Rockhopper. What be all of ye here for?” Billybob said, “I remember drawing you!”
The Strange Cowboy
Once there was a cowboy, who lived in the Wild, Wild, Cove.
He wasn't any good cowboy, he was a bad boy. So one day he was riding his horse when he came to a forest! He knew it would be a great hideout!
So he set up a tent. Then, one day, a penguin came to him, saying, "Who's in that tent?" But the cowboy got back on his horse and rode back to the cove, where he had built a new hideout, but it wasn't a tent. It was a straw cove. One day the cowboy came across another penguin. The penguin said, "Hi there, sir! Why are you here in the forest?" And the cowboy replied, "You don't know what I'm up to. . . AND YOU NEVER WILL!" Then he ran back to the forest in a hiding place. But he dropped something because he was going so fast. . .
After the cowboy had ran away, the penguin noticed that he dropped something. So he picked it up and stared. "What could this be?" he thought. Then he studied it carefully. There were two sides. On the first side, it showed Club Penguin and the only room was the cove. On the other side it showed all of Club Penguin. The side with all of Club Penguin said, "BEFORE", and the side only with the cove said "AFTER". The penguin didn't understand it. So he met his friend at the Iceberg. The penguin was an EPF Agent. He said, "Oh no, this cowboy is HERBERT IN DISGUISE! I can tell because
this paper has a reminder that says, "Remember, I am Herbert. I need to always be in my cowboy disguise. And I need to talk like a cowboy." So there the penguins waddled all over the island to find Herbert.
Then, the penguins thought, "Where could he be?" And then, they decided to do a mission and see if they could stop him. But then they remembered the path to Herbert's cave. So the penguins went to his cave and saw him. The penguins said, "Well, well, well. We meet again, Herbert. Remember us? We were the penguins who defeated you. In all our battles we have one, and we will win again with this!"
A second after that, Herbert said to both penguins, "Well, well, well. Who said you were from the EPF?" Then, he used his invention on the penguin who was from the EPF and turned him into his worker! After that the other penguin yanked the EPF penguin to his igloo, where they could chat. The penguin who wasn't zapped was thinking fast, "How can I fix this?"
And the penguin who wasn't zapped used Gary's freeze invention to freeze him, and he ran to Gary and very quickly borrowed Gary's hypnotize invention and quickly came back to the igloo. He used it on him, but it wouldn't work! With the freeze machine still working, he remembered that Gary lost a piece to the machine. He didn't know what to do. . .
Finally the penguin started searching everywhere. He went back to where Herbert's cave was, and he peeked in. Nobody was there! So he went inside, and there he saw the piece! HERBERT HAD STOLEN FROM GARY! So the penguin quickly took it, and transported back to the igloo. He added the part, turned off the freeze machine, and he quickly turned on the hypnotize invention. It was working! They were all back to normal. But how were they going to stop Herbert? Then the penguins went to the plaza. All there were were trees! The same with the Dojo, the Dock, and the Lighthouse and Beach! They were super worried. Then they decided to see what was happening in the town. Half of it was already torn down! They saw drillers drilling. . . then they noticed Herbert dropped something again. They read, "Next stop, the cave"Herbert meant his cave, so then both penguins remembered one of his hideouts was in the cove. They were very worried. . .
So they told him to rebuild everything he destroyed. The drillers did as they were commanded. Soon Herbert came along in his disguise and saw the two penguins, ignoring them, and they ignored him. The cowboy (Herbert) said to the drillers, "What be you doing 'round here? I told ye to make me a island full o
trees, only with the cove in store." The penguins knew Club Penguin already was to friendly to plants but they didn't need to be THAT friendly. The EPF penguin and the other penguin both wanted their friends back. It was time. They needed to get bigger revenge on Herbert!
They knew what to do! Since Herbert was right there and they had a rope in their pocket, they tied Herbert up! Then they put Klutzy in a cage so he couldn't snap the rope. Then they went off in the Hydro Hopper to go off and rescue their friends. Earlier the penguins saw their friends and every penguin on part of the Ice Berg that Herbert made float off.
The penguins finally reached their friends, and put them all in the boat (the penguins didn't fit in the boat very good). They went back to Club Penguin and all the penguins were free again. They all threw a party for the two penguins. It was EPIC! They never worried about Herbert ever again.
ZX4237 Files: Missing Gary/Dustin Smith Files: Operation Blackout
He geared up, by slurping a lollipop. (Gary made prototypes to funny stuff) But Agent Robot ZX4237 geared for real after slurping on the lollipop. Tux on, ready for anything. Mission Ready.
He marched through town to get to the entrance of the EPF. For non-agents, the Everyday Phoning Facility. He saw some geared up spys along the way. This was not a one man job.
He thought "Hmm. . . ". He wondered what surprises he would find that day.
He entered the first room. As most agents know, there is a test you must pass to enter the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. There is a separate test for Robot Agents. And there isanother separate test for prototypes. So Agent Robot ZX4237 had to do ALL those tests. After 4 hours, all the tests were done. He waited for the special elevator. Then he entered the EPF Command Room. There was a special message on the screen. It was a message that Gary set up in case of this specific problem. Gary has never been so specific before!
It showed places Herbert would probably be for attacks.
It showed a diagram next. It showed them ways they could attack Herbert and get Gary back. It showed them a whole lot more after that, and it stopped. Robot Agent ZX4237 started to walk away to refill on oil when. . .
They saw a spy from the Robber Penguin Force! How did they get there!?!?!??!!
As always, Agent Robot ZX4237 was ready for anything. He destroyed the spy.
He went over the the Water Machine. He fainted when he accidentally pressed the water button. He drank water! Gary's prototype robots were not always the smartest.
Then he went to the Very Secret Penguin Secret Agents Headquarter That Barely Anybody Knows About, or VSPSAHTBAKA for short. Herbert thought he destroyed the PSA HQ, but that building was a fake. Anyways, he saw something strange.
What could this mean. . .
He waddled over to the Snowy Woods. Robot Agent ZX4237 found Agent Zznq07, or Agent NQ07 for short.
There were a lot of spys who needed help. This is a situation called You Really Badly Need Help From A Fellow Agent But Everybody Is Crowding Her So It Is Hard To Get Her Attention, or YRBNHFAFABEICHSIIHTGHA for short. Finally Robot Agent ZX4237 got her attention, and she gave him some tips. But Agent Robot ZX4237 still needed to think about the situation.
He decided to go to the Iceberg. Before he started thinking, he went over to the Aqua Grabber. He stole the oil from it! He was now refilled and smarter.
Then he put on his thinking cap (also known as a pair of earmuffs). He thought hard when . . .
He transformed strangely into Robot Moose Agent ZX4237! Strange, but awesome! He decided to go somewhere.
Another secret EPF HQ! It was so cool!!!!!
There were realistic Herbert and Klutzy dummies! They would be very good for practicing! Look at that detail!
Whoa!! Those seats were so comfy! And those fancy computers!!!! All brand new technology! And Even more Herbert and Klutzy dummies! It was paradise for Robot Moose Agent ZX4237!
There were even lockers! "Wait a minute . . ." thought Moose, "These are not any old lockers! These are Gary's new EHF456484H44G3 automatic lockers!"
There was even a cool spy car! He took a few rides around town. "Sweet ride!!" As other penguins would say. That's when he found out some awesome things from the lockers! The Director is Gary's sister, and Gary is Agent Zznq07's uncle! And this igloo was a secret office! A director's office, that is.
Then, in the Outdoor HQ, he saw Herbert's footsteps! These were no training dummies. These were real. What would he do next . . .
Well, he wore a hula skirt. This Robot Agent is starting to have REALLY bad fashion!!!!
Then he grew wings! And next thing you know he is on a runway!! Just because he looked like a lollipop lover, winged, night vision moose with a skirt, doesn't mean he shouldn't focus on the task at hand!
It started to label things and show possible attacks we could make, that kind of boring stuff. I wish I could skip the boring meeting, but Jet Pack Guy is late, Gary is captured, and the Director isn't here, so I am the only official leader. I was about to leave when . . . . . . . . . . .. ........
It showed us brand new EPF/PSA hideouts! Cool! I watched as I slurped my JUMBO Lollipop.
Then the director came along. Don't yell in the meetingDot Director!!
Once the meeting was over, I went to the computer for the monthly mission.
"I, Rookie, was assigned to lead the Monthly Meeting of November. As you all know (pointing at the screen), Gary is captured. We, well at least I, believe that he was kidnapped (everyone agrees). Now, we need more clues about him. If this is from Herbert, he must have escaped." That boring speech I made kept going on and on, but I don't want to bore you. Afterwards, I went over EPFM, or the EPF mainframe, and-
It looked like this! Herbert's bots have returned! OH NO!
More attacking. . .
Their evil little message. . .
It can be hard to protect a mainframe when it's being attacked with mobs of bots!
Dot The Director says.
To enter Herbert's spa, he needed a disguise. He put on a Herbert costume. Not too realistic, but it worked okay.
That was when he noticed a big fat problem. The EPF was being burnt down. It was a very bad thing. But Herbert, to succeed, would probably need to do that. Luckily there was a fire truck. Robot Agent ZX4237 decided to enter.
Wow! Part of the left was starting to burn up, breaking the walls down. The right wall was just knocked out. At least the screen and the elevator were okay. Robot Agent ZX4237 needed to go through the vents of Herbert's spa (Herbert is so lucky!), and get access to the Security Terminals. He transported.
There he was, in the vents. It was a pretty sweet spa. The only part that wasn't so pretty is a chubby, ugly, polar bear owns it. In the vents he could see the entrance to get to the Security Terminals. He snuck through the vents. What a nice air conditioner Herbert had! He walked through.
There was the first Security terminal. He did his magic (also know as typing) and shut down the first terminal. It took 7 hours, but he needed to. He had a sip of oil before going to the next terminal.
He came to the second Security Terminal. Wow! It even had a little cafeteria with a bar! And Klutzy has a lot of pictures of himself. Klutzy and Herbert must have a pretty good relationship. It took 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 seconds. It took a little longer than before, but it was okay.
Robot Agent ZX4237 wanted to check the EPFSN. Oh no! Even that was taken over! I didn't know Herbert liked to write! Club Herbert Times. He can't rename the Elite Penguin Force Secret Newspaper!!!!! That officially proves it. Club Penguin is a thing of the past. Club Herbert is now an official island name.
Herbert even had new rules! They would never follow the rules. After Robot Agent ZX4237 read the rules, he did the following:
He needed to think more. He put on his thinking cap (also known as a pair of earmuffs), and started to think.
This was very helpful to Robot Agent ZX4237.Herbert should know that Dot is the Director!
Robot Agent ZX4237 loaded up his three minute, daily snowballs. He didn't have much time on his hands, so he only worked for six minutes (that's 646,912 snowballs). Then he knew it was time for the transformation. He had been waiting years, and it was time.
He went to the Hospital Tent to do it. Robot Agent ZX4237 was no longer going to be a robot. He slowly pressed the transformation button on his head . . .
He was now turned back to a penguin! He was now smarter, and more serious. His name after that was Dustin Smith. The only bad thing about the transformation was that he couldn't make as much snowballs, but that was okay. He still made about 100 snowballs every three minutes, and anyways, there were still many leftovers.
This transformation was a big deal, but Dustin still needed to get straight back to work. He was walking through the spa vents when he came across Herbert's lair! Oh no! Herbert froze Dot also!! Now Dustin really knewthat The Director was Aunt Arctic who the director was. This was very bad! And Herbert's horrible weapon was almost done processing. That's when . . .
Herbert caught Dustin Smith! Herbert put Dustin in a cage and froze him along with Dot and Gary. This was very bad!
There is that horrible machine and Herbert's lair again! What can Dustin do, as he is trapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Rookie went to the Control Room. Rookie was never very serious and didn't always listen, so the computers to him looked like a bunch of lines and dots. He had almost figured it out. He needed a little slurp of the lollipop to help him.
He finished up dancing quickly, and went back to Herbert's base. That was when Cookie came back! Rookie was right on time. Cookie told Rookie about all of his discoveries and findings. All he found was a dirty sock and a dozen lollipops. Cookie wanted to show Rookie a cool place he found. Cookie said it was Herbert's spa.
Rookie followed Cookie. They did have to agree that the spa was pretty cool. They took advantage of almost all parts of the spa. As Rookie says, "This is paradise!!!!!!".
He loved the paradise so much he fainted! And yes, he was okay.
Meanwhile, Dustin Smith managed to escape the tube! He went to the Underground HQ just in time for the weekly meeting.
At that point Herbert came in the room under his Invisibility Cloak (Herbert went to Hogwarts and stole it from Harry Potter) and stole Dustin! Dustin was back in Herbert's base, frozen. After Herbert left, Cookie snuck in. Rookie and Cookie were now back for the meeting. They talked about Herbert and his plans, how to stop him, and some other important stuff. Rookie decided to go explore.
Rookie found out that Herbert LOVED Cream Soda! Rookie thought that it was no fair for Herbert to have a secret supply of Cream Soda. Herbert had stolen all the Cream Soda from Rockhopper!
Rookie looked around a little bit. He saw that Herbert had a head relaxer chair thingy! SO LUCKY!
He walked through a door in that room. Rookie ended up in a room with Some of Herbert's papers! Rookie was about to take the papers and see his plans, but instead he slurped his JUMBO Lollipop. Or as Rookie called it, his JumboPop!
Rockhopper was not the only Cream Soda lover! Rookie's second favorite food/drink was Cream Soda (the first favorite being his JumboPop)! Rookie went back to the Cream Soda room, and drank lots of Cream Soda.
And then the lights turned out! It was really a Blackout!
Luckily, Rookie had a flashlight with fresh batteries. He guided himself back to the room with the head relaxer chair thingy.
Rookie relaxed for a couple minutes, but a fellow agent shook him to get him back to work. Gary should have hired hired somebody that was not out of their mind. After the agent shook Rookie, The batteries of the flashlight died.
Once again, it was pitch black. One penguin was even on Herbert's side, and tried to attack the agents, but since the lights were out, he accidentally punched a brick wall.
Total darkness for Rookie.
Meanwhile, in Herbert's Outdoor HQ, Dustin Smith escaped again! This time Dustin was more confident.
After that Dustin saw Herbert. Dustin got a lot of agents with him. Half of the agents shut down the Security Terminals for good. The other half of agents rescued Jet Pack Guy, The Director, Dot, and Gary. The solar laser was destroyed! Sunlight was coming back into Club Penguin! That's right! The island was no longer Club Herbert!
Then all the agents got together. The director said:
Alright. As you may have known, Santa starts making presents very early. I'm helping him with sculpting some toys, beanbags, and other presents. Here is a little picture I drew:
Straight after that Gary said he needed to get back to the past. Gary made a mini version of the time machine, so Smith Moose could still go back to the past after the mission. He headed to the Club Penguin Times Office, as he had a secret job there. Kind of like Superman. Smith saw Aunt Arctic there, and they started to have an interview.
Aunt Arctic started out by asking him simple questions.
Smith Moose told Aunt Arctic that he came from the past. Aunt Arctic thought because of that, Smith Moose didn't know anything about her. Smith explained that she still was the Director back then, and that she was really old (Smith Moose was kinda being rude LOL).
Aunt Arctic (The Director), told Smith to go to the agency with her. She showed him what was going to happen 5 years later, as it was 2012 and the future year was 2017. Smith Moose knew he had to get back to the past to tell everyone what was going to happen.
Just then Aunt Arctic received a message from the Gary of 2017. He said that he found big pieces of what looked like Santa's Sleigh. The Upgraded Santa's Sleigh Time Traveler was broken!!!!
How would Smith ever get back?
1. The Pizza Parlor Mystery
2. The EPF
3. The TRUE CP Story
4. The Strange Cowboy
5. ZX4237 Files/Dustin Smith Files: Missing Gary/Operation Blackout
6. Smith Moose's Adventure/Dustin Smith's Diary
7. The Diaries Of Jack Rider: Where Is G Billy?
8. Mason Rider: A Busy Penguin's Life
The Pizza Parlor Mystery
The owner of the Pizza Parlor was telling waiters what to do one day. Just as the waiters left to serve customers, they suddenly noticed they were all GONE! They were there when the waiters and the owner were talking! And they didn't get mad from not getting their food quick enough or anything! The waiters went over to the owner. The owner was flipping through a book, not noticing everyone was gone. "Boss! Boss! Everyone disappeared for no reason! There orders were all on time!!" said the waiters in a worried voice. The owner was still flipping through the book, "No they hav(he looks up)-Oh wait!! You are right! Something is wrong here. . .". "Yeah!" replied one of the waiters. "I think I might know what is going on," said one of the waiters. "The RPF is attacking! They tricked Sensei to tell them how to use ninja powers so they could make everyone disappear! They might be in the EPF right now! Let's go look!". The boss said, "Let's talk to Sensei about it first. I can do this alone though, you guys stay here.". "Okay," replied the waiters. The owner left. When he got into the Dojo, Sensei said, "Welcome my fellow grasshopper.". "Hello, Sensei. I need to ask you something. Did some non-ninjas come in and ask how to use ninja powers?".
Then the owner looked in the cash register because he hid his gear in it. "Oh no," said the owner, "THEY STOLE MY MONEY AND GEAR TOO!!!". "Don't panic, grasshopper. We will solve this mystery.". The owner replied, "Yeah. . . ok.". "Now guys" said the boss, "Let's go to the EPF!". So they all got their spy phones and teleported. When they entered they saw a flash of black for a slight second. They knew the RPF was near. The owner whispered, "You need to be quiet. That is the key". They all decided to wear camouflage clothes so they wouldn't be noticed.
Then they saw a RPF Agent come out, not noticing other people in the room. He said, "HAHAHA, I've got the gear and money from that Pizza Parlor! They will never know I did it". Everyone thought it would be more than just him, but it was just him. The EPF Agents slowly and silently gathered and whispered. "We need to get him!" "We can't! It's too dangerous!" "We are brave we can do it." "Ok". Everyone got back into uniform. "WE WILL GET YOU!!!" they all screamed at the same time. The RPF Agent was a scaredy cat so he ran away. But Sensei kept vanishing and appearing next to him. Finally he said, "Fine. I give up. Here is your money.". Sensei said, "Say "I surrender.".". So he said that he surrendered. Now the owner said, "Now, wear EPF uniform.". So he did. And they were all happy. They gave thanks to each other for helping and they all had the best day ever.
Gary was standing at the dock one day when an agent came up to him. Gary was shouting "ALL EPF AGENTS REPORT FOR DUTY!". The person that came up to him was the only agent that showed up. Gary knew it didn't really matter if only one agent came. The agent said to Gary, "Let's go to the EPF!". Gary agreed, "To the EPF!". So they went to the EPF. Gary and the agent got seated. Gary looked around, then said, "Oh no!! Rookie and Jet Pack Guy are gone!". The agent replied "This is bad THIS IS BAD!!". Gary had an idea. "Let's search in the forest and in the woods. They both teleported to the forest. "Even worse," said Gary, "Their not here!". Gary thought he would search the cove alone so he said, "Stay here agent," "I'll be right back.". Then Rookie came out of the cove. The agent asked, "Where is Gary?". Jet Pack Guy replied, "What?". The agent said in a scared voice, "Umm, uhh, G-g-gary just went in th-there!". Jet Pack Guy said, "OH NO!". But the agent was smart. "Don't panic. We are brave EPF Agents. And if we are brave we should go search for him.". Jet Pack Guy replied, "Yeah, I guess you're right.". And so they decided to search the EPF. They found mysterious penguin there. The mysterious penguin said, "I'm Jet Pack Guy". Then Jet Pack Guy (the other one) said, "No, I'm jet pack guy. I don't own that kind of jetpack.". The mysterious penguin (maybe the real Jet Pack Guy) said, "I know. I am the Jet Pack Guy from the future. So technically we are the same person. I have a new upgraded jetpack that G will give you in the future. The agent said, "Rookies not here, but don't panic. Stay here guys. I'm going to go find him.". The Jet Pack Guys both replied, "Good Luck!" as the agent teleported. Then Rookie came back, but without his glasses! Rookie said "Gary! Gary! Herbert did this to me!". Gary said, "That Herbert! Here, I have some spare glasses.". "Thanks G," replied Rookie. Then Gary said, "Wait a minute, where is the agent that found you!?". Rookie replied, "His teleporter broke so he's taking the long way.". "Oh," replied Gary in relief. Just then the agent was back. He was turned into a puffle! The agent said, "HERBERT! He did this to me!!". Just then the Future Jet Pack Guy had to return to the future or it would be too late so he said, "Bye Guys, the future will be wrong if I don't get back soon. Future G is expecting me soon in the upgraded EPF. Bye!". Everyone else replied, "Bye" as the Future Jet Pack Guy teleported with the upgraded teleporter that lets you go into past, present, and future while saying, "Good luck!" even though he knew they would catch Herbert. Suddenly, right after he left, Herbert came in! And he was a penguin! All the agents said, "HERBERT!" and he replied to G, "One of your Elite Penguin Fools made me a penguin! How dare you!". Then G cuffed him (it was a lot easier to cuff a penguin then a polar bear). Herbert said, "I'll get you next time!".
The TRUE CP Story
Club Penguin never started the way everyone thought it did. Once upon a time, there was one explorer human named “Lane Merrifield” who loved exploring the wilderness. One day he was sailing and found an iceberg. He thought, “I’m going to explore this iceberg!” So he parked his boat and got on the iceberg. He saw a big bump in the iceberg. He knew that was usual. Then, he sat down to look at the view.
That’s how Club Penguin started.
Once there was a cowboy, who lived in the Wild, Wild, Cove.
He wasn't any good cowboy, he was a bad boy. So one day he was riding his horse when he came to a forest! He knew it would be a great hideout!
So he set up a tent. Then, one day, a penguin came to him, saying, "Who's in that tent?" But the cowboy got back on his horse and rode back to the cove, where he had built a new hideout, but it wasn't a tent. It was a straw cove. One day the cowboy came across another penguin. The penguin said, "Hi there, sir! Why are you here in the forest?" And the cowboy replied, "You don't know what I'm up to. . . AND YOU NEVER WILL!" Then he ran back to the forest in a hiding place. But he dropped something because he was going so fast. . .
After the cowboy had ran away, the penguin noticed that he dropped something. So he picked it up and stared. "What could this be?" he thought. Then he studied it carefully. There were two sides. On the first side, it showed Club Penguin and the only room was the cove. On the other side it showed all of Club Penguin. The side with all of Club Penguin said, "BEFORE", and the side only with the cove said "AFTER". The penguin didn't understand it. So he met his friend at the Iceberg. The penguin was an EPF Agent. He said, "Oh no, this cowboy is HERBERT IN DISGUISE! I can tell because
this paper has a reminder that says, "Remember, I am Herbert. I need to always be in my cowboy disguise. And I need to talk like a cowboy." So there the penguins waddled all over the island to find Herbert.
While the penguins were searching for Herbert, they came across the Cove. Then they overheard Herbert:
Then, Herbert vanished. The penguins didn't know Herbert was back in his cave, working on his new project, without his disguise on. But Klutzy was dancing to the "beep" noise. Herbert was telling him to stop, then, more puffles kept coming! Herbert was so angry. . .
Then, Herbert vanished. The penguins didn't know Herbert was back in his cave, working on his new project, without his disguise on. But Klutzy was dancing to the "beep" noise. Herbert was telling him to stop, then, more puffles kept coming! Herbert was so angry. . .
Then, the penguins thought, "Where could he be?" And then, they decided to do a mission and see if they could stop him. But then they remembered the path to Herbert's cave. So the penguins went to his cave and saw him. The penguins said, "Well, well, well. We meet again, Herbert. Remember us? We were the penguins who defeated you. In all our battles we have one, and we will win again with this!"
A second after that, Herbert said to both penguins, "Well, well, well. Who said you were from the EPF?" Then, he used his invention on the penguin who was from the EPF and turned him into his worker! After that the other penguin yanked the EPF penguin to his igloo, where they could chat. The penguin who wasn't zapped was thinking fast, "How can I fix this?"
And the penguin who wasn't zapped used Gary's freeze invention to freeze him, and he ran to Gary and very quickly borrowed Gary's hypnotize invention and quickly came back to the igloo. He used it on him, but it wouldn't work! With the freeze machine still working, he remembered that Gary lost a piece to the machine. He didn't know what to do. . .
Finally the penguin started searching everywhere. He went back to where Herbert's cave was, and he peeked in. Nobody was there! So he went inside, and there he saw the piece! HERBERT HAD STOLEN FROM GARY! So the penguin quickly took it, and transported back to the igloo. He added the part, turned off the freeze machine, and he quickly turned on the hypnotize invention. It was working! They were all back to normal. But how were they going to stop Herbert? Then the penguins went to the plaza. All there were were trees! The same with the Dojo, the Dock, and the Lighthouse and Beach! They were super worried. Then they decided to see what was happening in the town. Half of it was already torn down! They saw drillers drilling. . . then they noticed Herbert dropped something again. They read, "Next stop, the cave"Herbert meant his cave, so then both penguins remembered one of his hideouts was in the cove. They were very worried. . .
The penguins had noticed that they, the drillers, Herbert, Klutzy, and about 500 puffles were the only living things on the whole island. Then, the EPF agent had a plan! They both took Gary's hypnotize machine to the town and used it on the drillers. It was working!

trees, only with the cove in store." The penguins knew Club Penguin already was to friendly to plants but they didn't need to be THAT friendly. The EPF penguin and the other penguin both wanted their friends back. It was time. They needed to get bigger revenge on Herbert!
They knew what to do! Since Herbert was right there and they had a rope in their pocket, they tied Herbert up! Then they put Klutzy in a cage so he couldn't snap the rope. Then they went off in the Hydro Hopper to go off and rescue their friends. Earlier the penguins saw their friends and every penguin on part of the Ice Berg that Herbert made float off.
The penguins finally reached their friends, and put them all in the boat (the penguins didn't fit in the boat very good). They went back to Club Penguin and all the penguins were free again. They all threw a party for the two penguins. It was EPIC! They never worried about Herbert ever again.
ZX4237 Files: Missing Gary/Dustin Smith Files: Operation Blackout
It was a cold day, as always. Agent Robot ZX4237 (a new technology) was in the Snow Forts. As he did daily, he made snowballs, because hey, you never know what is coming, right? Because he was a speedy robot, he made 323,456 snowballs every three minutes. He was prepared for anything. What he did not know is what was coming. Operation: Blackout!
Also as he did daily, he took a 3 minute break to read the EPFSN, Elite Penguin Force Secret News. Now this newspaper wasn't like the Club Penguin Times at all. It was a secret newspaper for EPF Agents, and Agent ZX4237 is obviously an agent, a robot agent that is. But he didn't care about stuff like the EPFSJ, Elite Penguin Force Secret Jokes, because when an Agent Robot laughs, it strangely leaks oil (Only because Gary made Agent Robot ZX4237 a prototype. But he still did normal agent things). Anyways, his favorite page was always the front page. So he scanned the paper with his RobotE46T Prototype laser vision. What he scanned was NOT a good thing. People say Gary seems to be kidnapped! But Agent Robot ZX4237 was ready for anything.He geared up, by slurping a lollipop. (Gary made prototypes to funny stuff) But Agent Robot ZX4237 geared for real after slurping on the lollipop. Tux on, ready for anything. Mission Ready.
He marched through town to get to the entrance of the EPF. For non-agents, the Everyday Phoning Facility. He saw some geared up spys along the way. This was not a one man job.
He thought "Hmm. . . ". He wondered what surprises he would find that day.
He entered the first room. As most agents know, there is a test you must pass to enter the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. There is a separate test for Robot Agents. And there isanother separate test for prototypes. So Agent Robot ZX4237 had to do ALL those tests. After 4 hours, all the tests were done. He waited for the special elevator. Then he entered the EPF Command Room. There was a special message on the screen. It was a message that Gary set up in case of this specific problem. Gary has never been so specific before!
It showed places Herbert would probably be for attacks.
It showed a diagram next. It showed them ways they could attack Herbert and get Gary back. It showed them a whole lot more after that, and it stopped. Robot Agent ZX4237 started to walk away to refill on oil when. . .
They saw a spy from the Robber Penguin Force! How did they get there!?!?!??!!
As always, Agent Robot ZX4237 was ready for anything. He destroyed the spy.
He went over the the Water Machine. He fainted when he accidentally pressed the water button. He drank water! Gary's prototype robots were not always the smartest.
Then he went to the Very Secret Penguin Secret Agents Headquarter That Barely Anybody Knows About, or VSPSAHTBAKA for short. Herbert thought he destroyed the PSA HQ, but that building was a fake. Anyways, he saw something strange.
What could this mean. . .
Robot Agent ZX4237 scanned the secret computer. "HERBERT!!!!!" he thought angrily! He read the rest, and then, as he did daily, gathered 323,456 more snowballs every three minutes. He worked for 15 hours gathering snowballs. Then he slurped his lollipop. He needed a place to think. He went into Snow Falls.
Once he got into Snow Falls, He sat. And thought. And sat. And thought. He needed an assistant!He waddled over to the Snowy Woods. Robot Agent ZX4237 found Agent Zznq07, or Agent NQ07 for short.
There were a lot of spys who needed help. This is a situation called You Really Badly Need Help From A Fellow Agent But Everybody Is Crowding Her So It Is Hard To Get Her Attention, or YRBNHFAFABEICHSIIHTGHA for short. Finally Robot Agent ZX4237 got her attention, and she gave him some tips. But Agent Robot ZX4237 still needed to think about the situation.
He decided to go to the Iceberg. Before he started thinking, he went over to the Aqua Grabber. He stole the oil from it! He was now refilled and smarter.
Then he put on his thinking cap (also known as a pair of earmuffs). He thought hard when . . .
He transformed strangely into Robot Moose Agent ZX4237! Strange, but awesome! He decided to go somewhere.
Another secret EPF HQ! It was so cool!!!!!
There were realistic Herbert and Klutzy dummies! They would be very good for practicing! Look at that detail!
Whoa!! Those seats were so comfy! And those fancy computers!!!! All brand new technology! And Even more Herbert and Klutzy dummies! It was paradise for Robot Moose Agent ZX4237!
There were even lockers! "Wait a minute . . ." thought Moose, "These are not any old lockers! These are Gary's new EHF456484H44G3 automatic lockers!"
There was even a cool spy car! He took a few rides around town. "Sweet ride!!" As other penguins would say. That's when he found out some awesome things from the lockers! The Director is Gary's sister, and Gary is Agent Zznq07's uncle! And this igloo was a secret office! A director's office, that is.
Then, in the Outdoor HQ, he saw Herbert's footsteps! These were no training dummies. These were real. What would he do next . . .
Well, he wore a hula skirt. This Robot Agent is starting to have REALLY bad fashion!!!!
Then he grew wings! And next thing you know he is on a runway!! Just because he looked like a lollipop lover, winged, night vision moose with a skirt, doesn't mean he shouldn't focus on the task at hand!
Hi there! I am Agent Rookie (Note: I am a baad spelllllerr sometImeS). Today I will be talking about this situation. Agent Robot ZX4237 is on a Little Break For Prototypes To Have Some Coffee And Chat, or LBFPTHSCAC for short. Anyways, I write most EPFSJ (Elite Penguin Force Secret Jokes). I am the fourth leader of the EPF and of the PSA. The Director (also known as she who must not be named) is the first leader, Gary (who disappeared) is the second leader, and Jet Pack Guy is the third leader. I am best known for attending Club Penguin's April Fools parties, and I am also known for sinking the island. So, moving on. It was a dark and stormy night, I was in the EPF. Sitting there. There were lots of other people in the room. It was the weekly meeting. The screen started up, and we heard the lady-like automated voice say, "Welcome To EPF Weekly Meeting #12345,00004. Today our discussion will be about: Gary missing. Beep bop boop".
We saw the EPF logo, swirling on the screen as the automated voice spoke. It was silent (except for the automated voice). All was calm. All was dark. We listened carefully. I slurped on my lollipop very slowly.It started to label things and show possible attacks we could make, that kind of boring stuff. I wish I could skip the boring meeting, but Jet Pack Guy is late, Gary is captured, and the Director isn't here, so I am the only official leader. I was about to leave when . . . . . . . . . . .. ........
It showed us brand new EPF/PSA hideouts! Cool! I watched as I slurped my JUMBO Lollipop.
Then the director came along. Don't yell in the meeting
Once the meeting was over, I went to the computer for the monthly mission.
"Attention Agents - I need your help! Someone is inside my lab, and I think that they're--
*BZZZZZKT* /-connection lost/-
And the picture of G was gone, as I expected. This is bad. Gary's lab is in London! How on earth does he expect us to get there from Club Penguin!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Well, penguins are birds, so they can fly, right? Right?
I became the leader, after the Director left. I made a big, long, boring speech about Gary being captured:"I, Rookie, was assigned to lead the Monthly Meeting of November. As you all know (pointing at the screen), Gary is captured. We, well at least I, believe that he was kidnapped (everyone agrees). Now, we need more clues about him. If this is from Herbert, he must have escaped." That boring speech I made kept going on and on, but I don't want to bore you. Afterwards, I went over EPFM, or the EPF mainframe, and-
It looked like this! Herbert's bots have returned! OH NO!
More attacking. . .
Their evil little message. . .
It can be hard to protect a mainframe when it's being attacked with mobs of bots!
Agent ZX4237 was back, and he thanked Rookie. Instead of cash, he paid Rookie in lollipops. But ya know, Rookie is Rookie, and he loves his lollipops! In fact, he would rather have lollipops than cash! Anyways, Agent ZX4237 was preparing his snowballs. As always, he made 323,456 snowballs every three minutes. Remember that Gary made prototypes not so serious. Robot Agent ZX4237 wore his fancy agent tuxedo, and headed over to somebody's fashion show igloo. He rocked the tux!
Thats when it all started. He didn't know it was coming, but it came. Operation: Blackout. His fully upgraded Agent iPhone 5 had some messages from the Director. Something about a Security terminal. BORING! But he is an agent, and it was his duty to do what To enter Herbert's spa, he needed a disguise. He put on a Herbert costume. Not too realistic, but it worked okay.
That was when he noticed a big fat problem. The EPF was being burnt down. It was a very bad thing. But Herbert, to succeed, would probably need to do that. Luckily there was a fire truck. Robot Agent ZX4237 decided to enter.
Wow! Part of the left was starting to burn up, breaking the walls down. The right wall was just knocked out. At least the screen and the elevator were okay. Robot Agent ZX4237 needed to go through the vents of Herbert's spa (Herbert is so lucky!), and get access to the Security Terminals. He transported.
There he was, in the vents. It was a pretty sweet spa. The only part that wasn't so pretty is a chubby, ugly, polar bear owns it. In the vents he could see the entrance to get to the Security Terminals. He snuck through the vents. What a nice air conditioner Herbert had! He walked through.
There was the first Security terminal. He did his magic (also know as typing) and shut down the first terminal. It took 7 hours, but he needed to. He had a sip of oil before going to the next terminal.
He came to the second Security Terminal. Wow! It even had a little cafeteria with a bar! And Klutzy has a lot of pictures of himself. Klutzy and Herbert must have a pretty good relationship. It took 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 seconds. It took a little longer than before, but it was okay.
Robot Agent ZX4237 wanted to check the EPFSN. Oh no! Even that was taken over! I didn't know Herbert liked to write! Club Herbert Times. He can't rename the Elite Penguin Force Secret Newspaper!!!!! That officially proves it. Club Penguin is a thing of the past. Club Herbert is now an official island name.
Herbert even had new rules! They would never follow the rules. After Robot Agent ZX4237 read the rules, he did the following:
- Sang at the top of his robot lungs.
- Made an appearance and won Dancing With Gary's Prototypes!
- Held the biggest party ever (Robot Agent even drunk Robot Oil Beer)!
- He laughed till he choked.
- He played music as loud as the radio would let him!
- Threw all of the snowballs he prepared for 21 days (that's 6792,576 snowballs!)!
- Swam across the Pacific Ocean.
- Ate all the meat that every store had.
- Farted 323,456 times.
- Had as much fun as possible.
Robot Agent ZX4237 obviously, purposely, broke all the main rules.
He needed to think more. He put on his thinking cap (also known as a pair of earmuffs), and started to think.
This was very helpful to Robot Agent ZX4237.
Robot Agent ZX4237 was in the Underground EPF Base. The base had actually been designed by Jet Pack Guy. It wasn't totally finished, but the agents needed to use it since the EPF Command Room is on fire. There were transportation tubes, E57T Automatic Vision Lockers, Herbert training dummies, an obstacle course, and so on. It looked like a lot of fun to Robot Agent ZX4237, but this was serious stuff. He decided to do some exploring!
He ended up in the cave that's right next to the base. There was Klutzy and his fat little evil crab friend, locked up in a cage. That was good! There was even a security guard. There was really not much other things to see.Robot Agent ZX4237 loaded up his three minute, daily snowballs. He didn't have much time on his hands, so he only worked for six minutes (that's 646,912 snowballs). Then he knew it was time for the transformation. He had been waiting years, and it was time.
He went to the Hospital Tent to do it. Robot Agent ZX4237 was no longer going to be a robot. He slowly pressed the transformation button on his head . . .
He was now turned back to a penguin! He was now smarter, and more serious. His name after that was Dustin Smith. The only bad thing about the transformation was that he couldn't make as much snowballs, but that was okay. He still made about 100 snowballs every three minutes, and anyways, there were still many leftovers.
This transformation was a big deal, but Dustin still needed to get straight back to work. He was walking through the spa vents when he came across Herbert's lair! Oh no! Herbert froze Dot also!! Now Dustin really knew
Herbert caught Dustin Smith! Herbert put Dustin in a cage and froze him along with Dot and Gary. This was very bad!
There is that horrible machine and Herbert's lair again! What can Dustin do, as he is trapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
One day Rookie was in the Herbert's hideout. Herbert had trapped Dustin Smith. Rookie thought that the other agents could handle him. Rookie was about to shut down the security terminals, right before he came across another penguin. He had the same awesome glasses as Rookie, but a different propeller hat. He had an oxygen tank (the solar laser makes pollution), and had on a medical jacket. He even had a JUMBO Lollipop like Rookie! Rookie sure thought he was equipped! Rookie decided to have a little chat with this guy.
They started up talking, and soon were deep in conversation. Rookie noticed that the penguin was strange and silly, just like Rookie himself. For some awkward reason, Rookie showed the penguin his birthmark. Then the penguin showed his. They had the same birthmark! After minutes of thinking, they figured out that they were long lost brothers! Before they said any more, Rookie went to the Security Terminal.
It was almost too late before the solar laser activated. Rookie saw the puzzle, and solved it quickly. Unfortunately, Herbert still had a chance at winning, because it was not too hard to reactivate.
Rookie's twin's name was Cookie. Cookie left for a while to try and do something. Meanwhile, Gary and Dot were captured, along with another agent. That was no surprise for Rookie, as Gary and Dot were captured for a week already.Rookie went to the Control Room. Rookie was never very serious and didn't always listen, so the computers to him looked like a bunch of lines and dots. He had almost figured it out. He needed a little slurp of the lollipop to help him.
While Rookie waited he wanted to earn some coins. So he played Jellybean Counters. And the Jellybean Shop storekeeper was nice and let Rookie keep half of the jellybeans he collected. Rookie was excited to show Cookie his jellybeans!
He still had a little more time. Rookie decided to go disco! He went to the local NightClub and danced. Then he went over to the green puffle and said, "My puffle! My main, main, puffle! Nice color dude.". Rookie seemed to really like the color green.Rookie followed Cookie. They did have to agree that the spa was pretty cool. They took advantage of almost all parts of the spa. As Rookie says, "This is paradise!!!!!!".
He loved the paradise so much he fainted! And yes, he was okay.
Meanwhile, Dustin Smith managed to escape the tube! He went to the Underground HQ just in time for the weekly meeting.
At that point Herbert came in the room under his Invisibility Cloak (Herbert went to Hogwarts and stole it from Harry Potter) and stole Dustin! Dustin was back in Herbert's base, frozen. After Herbert left, Cookie snuck in. Rookie and Cookie were now back for the meeting. They talked about Herbert and his plans, how to stop him, and some other important stuff. Rookie decided to go explore.
Rookie found out that Herbert LOVED Cream Soda! Rookie thought that it was no fair for Herbert to have a secret supply of Cream Soda. Herbert had stolen all the Cream Soda from Rockhopper!
Rookie looked around a little bit. He saw that Herbert had a head relaxer chair thingy! SO LUCKY!
He walked through a door in that room. Rookie ended up in a room with Some of Herbert's papers! Rookie was about to take the papers and see his plans, but instead he slurped his JUMBO Lollipop. Or as Rookie called it, his JumboPop!
Rockhopper was not the only Cream Soda lover! Rookie's second favorite food/drink was Cream Soda (the first favorite being his JumboPop)! Rookie went back to the Cream Soda room, and drank lots of Cream Soda.
And then the lights turned out! It was really a Blackout!
Luckily, Rookie had a flashlight with fresh batteries. He guided himself back to the room with the head relaxer chair thingy.
Rookie relaxed for a couple minutes, but a fellow agent shook him to get him back to work. Gary should have hired hired somebody that was not out of their mind. After the agent shook Rookie, The batteries of the flashlight died.
Once again, it was pitch black. One penguin was even on Herbert's side, and tried to attack the agents, but since the lights were out, he accidentally punched a brick wall.
Total darkness for Rookie.
Meanwhile, in Herbert's Outdoor HQ, Dustin Smith escaped again! This time Dustin was more confident.
After that Dustin saw Herbert. Dustin got a lot of agents with him. Half of the agents shut down the Security Terminals for good. The other half of agents rescued Jet Pack Guy, The Director, Dot, and Gary. The solar laser was destroyed! Sunlight was coming back into Club Penguin! That's right! The island was no longer Club Herbert!
Then all the agents got together. The director said:
It wasn't easy
The island was breezy
And the agents worked together
And made Herbert as strong as a feather.
We worked as hard as we could
And we did good.
For now you are worthy of my secret.
The director took off her black disguise. The Director of the Elite Penguin Force was indeed Aunt Arctic. The war was over. Everything was back to normal.
Dustin Smith's Diary/Smith Moose's Adventure
Monday, January 2nd,2012
Alright. As you may have known, Santa starts making presents very early. I'm helping him with sculpting some toys, beanbags, and other presents. Here is a little picture I drew:
My spy phone is ringing! Gary says that he wants me to test out his new invention! Gary is even saying that he will give me free tickets to London (his lab is in London)!! I'm telling Gary that I would love that. We talk about it, and I hang up. I can't wait! I'm heading to the airport right now. The security line is so long! Now finally I am here on the plane. We are about to take off. We are now in the air! I am excited, even though it will take 72 hours to get to London from Club Penguin. Our pilot is speaking. She says we will land in about 25 minutes. Whew! My wait is almost over! I'm waiting, reading my book. It's called "Stuff To Do 25 Minutes Before Your Plane Lands". It may sound silly, but it happens to be a pretty good book. I'm just remembering something now. Gary never told me what his invention was! Well, that is okay. I trust Gary. And it looks like we are landing early! This way I can visit the London Eye and Big Ben! Oh boy! I can't wait to land! The pilot says we are about to land! The plane is on the runway, and I am so excited!
January 3rd,2012
Just got off the plane. It looks so nice here in London! First thing I need to do is get to my hotel and unpack. I got to the hotel, its called the Penguininn. Nice little place, great service and all. Gary emailed me a note saying welcome and to come ASAP. That minute I got my private jet, and at 123,456 MPH. I was there in about 10 seconds. I saw Gary's lab. Here is a little drawing I managed to make:
There is a lot more things, but some of them are really hard to draw. The reason that im not wearing a tux is cause its no special meeting or anything. I don't think G will mind. Anyways, I saw Gary staring into his computer sayin' "No no no!". Im asking him what's wrong, and he is too uhh disappointed I guess to answer. Hmm . . .
Just got off the plane. It looks so nice here in London! First thing I need to do is get to my hotel and unpack. I got to the hotel, its called the Penguininn. Nice little place, great service and all. Gary emailed me a note saying welcome and to come ASAP. That minute I got my private jet, and at 123,456 MPH. I was there in about 10 seconds. I saw Gary's lab. Here is a little drawing I managed to make:
There is a lot more things, but some of them are really hard to draw. The reason that im not wearing a tux is cause its no special meeting or anything. I don't think G will mind. Anyways, I saw Gary staring into his computer sayin' "No no no!". Im asking him what's wrong, and he is too uhh disappointed I guess to answer. Hmm . . .
January 3rd,2012 4:03PM
UGH! Gary is so distracted. By the way, if anybody is reading this, please note I am sometimes in a rush so sometimes I make spelling mistkes. I didn't want to, but I had to slap Gary. He was lost in his mind. The slap worked, and he was like "Oh hi agent. I am sorry about that. I need you to go on a mission. Can I trust you?". I obviously said yes, as I have never faaled a mission before. He said this was a time traveling mission. I was like really excited and happy. I thought this would be fun! But Gary was all serious and stuff. I couldn't wait to start my mission!
UGH! Gary is so distracted. By the way, if anybody is reading this, please note I am sometimes in a rush so sometimes I make spelling mistkes. I didn't want to, but I had to slap Gary. He was lost in his mind. The slap worked, and he was like "Oh hi agent. I am sorry about that. I need you to go on a mission. Can I trust you?". I obviously said yes, as I have never faaled a mission before. He said this was a time traveling mission. I was like really excited and happy. I thought this would be fun! But Gary was all serious and stuff. I couldn't wait to start my mission!
January 4th, 2012 11:00 AM
Gary told me that I would have to use Santa's Sleigh to time travel. He's telling me right now that this is an upgraded Santa's Sleigh. It has hidden gadgets and stuff. BORING. But I wasn't supposed to be rude I guess, so I'm not gonna say that. Gary says that from his magical snowglobe he found out that Herbert turns every penguin into an evil polar bear! That scared me to death, so I hopped right on!
Gary secretly was on the Upgraded Santa's Sleigh Time Traveler with Dustin Smith. They were both gasping, awkward!! They had landed on the roof of the Ski Lodge. Gary and Dustin found a hole to jump into the Lodge Attic.
Then Gary whispered something in Dustin's ear about transforming. Then Dustin took off his bowtie and Dustin turned into Agent Moose! His name was now Smith Moose. Wow, first his name was Robot Agent ZX4237, and then Dustin Smith, and then Smith Moose! Gary said it would probably be the last time of transformation. Smith was glad to hear that, as it kind of hurt to transform.Straight after that Gary said he needed to get back to the past. Gary made a mini version of the time machine, so Smith Moose could still go back to the past after the mission. He headed to the Club Penguin Times Office, as he had a secret job there. Kind of like Superman. Smith saw Aunt Arctic there, and they started to have an interview.
Aunt Arctic started out by asking him simple questions.
Smith Moose told Aunt Arctic that he came from the past. Aunt Arctic thought because of that, Smith Moose didn't know anything about her. Smith explained that she still was the Director back then, and that she was really old (Smith Moose was kinda being rude LOL).
Aunt Arctic (The Director), told Smith to go to the agency with her. She showed him what was going to happen 5 years later, as it was 2012 and the future year was 2017. Smith Moose knew he had to get back to the past to tell everyone what was going to happen.
Just then Aunt Arctic received a message from the Gary of 2017. He said that he found big pieces of what looked like Santa's Sleigh. The Upgraded Santa's Sleigh Time Traveler was broken!!!!
How would Smith ever get back?
Aunt Arctic had left. That's when a Yeti came in.
Smith Moose was angry. Smith actually thought the Yeti was Herbert. It was indeed a Yeti, that was evil and worked for Herbert.
Finally Smith found out it was an Evil RPF Yeti Herbert Minion!
And so the Evil RPF Yeti Herbert Minion did his evil laugh thing. Smith was confused, as it wasn't like anything bad happened . . . yet.
Right after that thought started floating around in Smith Moose's mind, the room changed into really weird colors. It was just a little harder to see things. Smith could still see, just not super perfect. The Evil RPF Yeti Herbert Minion had disappeared. Oh, and I am sorry I didn't mention this earlier, but Smith lost his Diary, so now it's just a story.
And the Yeti reappeared out of who knows where and, somehow, turned Smith Moose evil.
Smith Moose may have turned evil, but Herbert told him he could still wear his outfit. Herbert thought the outfit was "cool" and "hip". Smith decided to take a little walk around Club Penguin. "Thats strange!" Smith Moose thought, as every room he went into there were no penguins anywhere. That's when he came to the Dojo. He saw some weird colored ninja doing a pose. Because of the color mixture, Smith Moose couldn't tell what element the ninja was. It could have been a fire, water, snow, or shadow ninja. It was a mystery.
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