"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

PLEASE Club Penguin? :)

Trying on new suits. . . 
Hey penguins! I've been thinking, why dosen't Club Penguin sell neck ties anymore?
See. . . because of the time I started playing Club Penguin, I only have one neck tie. Always the same old blue tie! So I thought, Club Penguin, what about some new ties? Maybe bring back some old ties, or make new ones, I don't know. But see, with the same tie all the time, it starts to look bad with other outfits!

Please fix this Club Penguin. Please with a cherry on top. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Ok. . .
 It's also the same with bow ties. There is only ONE bow tie in Club Penguin HISTORY! We need more bow ties too. There could be pink ones for girls, or ones with designs, but REALLY? I mean. . . It's the same old bow tie every time!


  1. With great difficulty is the answer to your question :)

  2. A good blogger never shares his secrets to mastering the elements. Let's hope number 20 wins ;) Once you have mastered the first element, I will teach you how...

  3. Don't post this comment!
    1. Click on layout
    2. Click edit blog posts
    3. Choose your options and click edit
    4. Save it!

    Hope number 20 wins ;)


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