"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Umm.. Read this Please.

This is news to all the staff and viewers out there. I am not really playing Club Penguin that much and posting that much. Many bloggers here quit [I  think RonnP and Gammak are part of that group.] We gotta try to get back to a popular blog. I wont really post cheats that much because I either have no time or I forget to log on to Club Penguin . But I learned PLENTY of things over my time of not being active. Those things will maybe help. Like I will go shopping and buy some codes to give away, some contests, graphics, and videos. Maybe we can add some games. Anyway this is your admin...



  1. Hi! Glad to have you back. :)

    Could you please email me some of the codes? I will give them away. Please reply. My email:


    Wow, thanks! You are a kind person to go and buy codes. Merry Christmas!!

  2. Cool! Woddlyan and co. would you guys like to go to phineas and my party? (Link:http://ralphina1cpblog.blogspot.com/2012/12/well-this-is-just-embarassing.html )

    Hope you guys could make it!


  3. I almost quit I took a break for 4 months! But I'm coming back


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