"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Dustin Smith's Diary: Time Travel Part 5

Gary secretly was on the Upgraded Santa's Sleigh Time Traveler with Dustin Smith. They were both gasping, awkward!! They had landed on the roof of the Ski Lodge. Gary and Dustin found a hole to jump into the Lodge Attic. 
 Then Gary whispered something in Dustin's ear about transforming. Then Dustin took off his bowtie and Dustin turned into Agent Moose! His name was now Smith Moose. Wow, first his name was Robot Agent ZX4237, and then Dustin Smith, and then Smith Moose! Gary said it would probably be the last time of transformation. Smith was glad to hear that, as it kind of hurt to transform.
 Straight after that Gary said he needed to get back to the past. Gary made a mini version of the time machine, so Smith Moose could still go back to the past after the mission. He headed to the Club Penguin Times Office, as he had a secret job there. Kind of like Superman. Smith saw Aunt Arctic there, and they started to have an interview.
 Aunt Arctic started out by asking him simple questions.
 Smith Moose told Aunt Arctic that he came from the past. Aunt Arctic thought because of that, Smith Moose didn't know anything about her. Smith explained that she still was the Director back then, and that she was really old (Smith Moose was kinda being rude LOL).
 Aunt Arctic (The Director), told Smith to go to the agency with her. She showed him what was going to happen 5 years later, as it was 2012 and the future year was 2017. Smith Moose knew he had to get back to the past to tell everyone what was going to happen.
 Just then Aunt Arctic received a message from the Gary of 2017. He said that he found big pieces of what looked like Santa's Sleigh. The Upgraded Santa's Sleigh Time Traveler was broken!!!!
 How would Smith ever get back?

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