"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

The Penguin Pages + Happy 12-12-12!

Hey penguin pals! We are here to discuss two things. First of which, the Penguin Pages. There is this new blog called Penguin Pages. It is like Twitter or Facebook, but it is about penguins, and kid-friendly. All you need to join is a Blogger account. If you join, do not put titles on posts. Just show your icon, then say Penguin Name: and leave a message. To see Penguin Pages, click here. Thanks! The second topic is today is 12-12-12, which is a special day. 12-12-12 or 11-11-11 or any triple of the same number won't happen again for 100 years! This is exciting! And next year, it will be 11-12-13!
This is exciting! So exciting that I want pie!


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry but I think you mean 100 years? What about 2112?


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