"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Finally, It Happens To Be Time *UPDATED*

UPDATE: I invited Trainman1405 and he said he will come!!!

Hey penguins. Because I haven't had one in a while, I am having a party on Club Penguin. I haven't held too many parties lately, because I have been busy. This party is for many reasons:

  1. For 12,500 pageviews
  2. For the holidays
  3. For awesomeness
  4. For epicness
  5. For fun
There are five reasons. I hope you can attend. Here is the information.

Server: Sleet
Room: Cove (we will move around)
Day: Sunday, December 16
Time: 1:00 PM PST

I really hope you can come! Please comment to let me know if you can come. It would make my day to have more than 10 penguins come. Please tell your friends!
By the way, that was not my igloo, in the second picture. The first picture is of my igloo. 

Remember, tell your friends!


1 comment:

Hi there :) When you comment, please no cussing, spam, or inappropriate language. Note that all comments are moderated. Have fun! :)