"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Club Penguin Times issue #398

Here's the latest issue of the Club Penguin Times. :)

Prepare your best scare!

By Aunt Arctic - Breaking news! The first ever Scare Games comes to the island this month! All penguins are invited to compete! What are the Scare Games you ask? The Club Penguin Times asked a source, or prefers to remain anonymous, for some preliminary details. Here's what we learned.

"The Greek Council's planning a MONSTROUS competition. There's gonna be super frightening, fur raising challenges for four rival teams." "Oooooh ya! We're building an epic place for it." "And I've seen a few items - they'll totally help scarers make the most of their ROARS! Be there or be scared!"

Stay tuned, we'll have more information as the games get closer. It all starts June 27! So get practicing your growls, roars, and ferocious faces!

Get the latest Penguins at Work outfit - Pizza Chef, in the month's Penguin Style catalog.

A ninja must always be prepared.

By a Ninja - Fire, Water and Snow are back in balance! Brave ninjas are journeying through the stormy summit above the Dojo to master Snow. Many minions have been defeated, but the towering threat of Tusk still remains! "Students, you must continue your training," Sensei explained. "Time spent training today, will prepare you for what tomorrow brings." "We must always be ready. For there are always new challenges to face."

Citizens on the island are relieved they were able to weather the storm. Ninjas are encouraged to push forward on their elemental path at the Dojo.


On now! Underwater Adventure
Don't forget your snorkel. Get washed away with this month's production at the Stage!

On now! Penguin Style
Fabulous fashions for the fiercely free spirit! Now at the Clothes Shop.

On now! Postcards
Make new friends! Send a Postcard today!

Create your scary school with the latest furniture!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until June 12.
Next pin hidden: June 13 - 26

How do I change my color?
-Rainbow Ralph

A color change is a wonderful way to brighten your look! Head over to the Clothes Shop and flip through the Penguin Style catalog! Choose the color that suits you best and it'll be added to your inventory. Open your Player Card and show off the new you!

I need help finding the pins!
-Sir Chinpins

If you're not sure when the next pin will be hidden, check the paper! Pins are never hidden in the same room twice in a row. So, if you found the last pin in the Coffee Shop, you can be sure it won't be there! And, if it gets a bit tricky, don't be shy. Ask for help!

Earning coins is about having fun!

Which game gives you the most coins?
-Trae Ning

Playing games is not only about collecting the most coins. It's about having a great time. So, if you are playing your favorite game, you're off to a great start. When you're having fun, you'll play longer and earn more coins. What could be better than that? As I always say - practice, practice, practice. The more you do something, the better you get!

The better you get, the more coins you earn. You might also want to challenge a few friends. Sometimes a little competition can really help.


Did you know? There's secret items in every catalog! Here's how to find them:
  • Open up the catalog
  • Move your cursor around the page
  • If you've found a secret your arrow will change to a hand, and the area will sparkle
  • Click on it and you'll see what item has been hidden
There's more than one secret in each catalog, so make sure to look on every page!


Q. What did the earth say to the earthquake?
A. You crack me up!

Q. What will a spider do on a computer?
A. Make a website!

Q. I have an eye, but I cannot see. What am I?
A. A needle!

Q. What happens when a frog's car breaks down?
A. It gets TOAD away!

Q. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?
A. A walkie-talkie!

Q. Why don't ice skaters tell jokes while they're ice skating?
A. Because the ice might crack up!

Q. What did the chicken do jumping jacks?
A. It wanted scrambled eggs!

That's all for now! Waddle On!

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