"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Moving On…

*UPDATE: My new blog is here. ;)

Hi there, as you know, this blog is slowing down. I recently got windstorm7 to come back, and now I will be taking a break. I am so busy lately, but don't worry. I want all the current authors to come together and make this the best site it can be. It will still be called, "Woddylan's CP Cheats", but I won't  be posting there. I might make a new site in the future, but I want this one to continue with other people. I have even made a personal blog about myself and my life (thedillylife.blogspot.com). Thank you, and, see you later.

Twitter: @WoddylanCP
E-mail: woddylan@gmail.com
Other Sites: cpiglooreview.blogspot.com clubpenguinlocalbooks.blogspot.com


  1. Only post with your extra time! I post when I'm bored!

  2. Can I use that map? Credit will be given!

  3. I can't believe nobody actually cares that after 2 years im leaving, but sure Bubsey BUT use this version http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3486erc&s=6 Alright? And give credit!

    1. Oh no! Now It doesn't look like a map... Put a thing in the bottom right corner that says: "Woddylan's map"

  4. Sorry for that post, I was tired while I posted so I forgot. I was probaly second or third. Sorry for saying I was the new owner I just thought that I could be temporary co owner and do your stuff. I didnt ask...



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