"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

The Strange Cowboy Part 6

To read the part before this part to make this make sense, click here.

The penguins had noticed that they, the drillers, Herbert, Klutzy, and about 500 puffles were the only living things on the whole island. Then, the EPF agent had a plan! They both took Gary's hypnotize machine to the town and used it on the drillers. It was working!

So they told him to rebuild everything he destroyed. The drillers did as they were commanded. Soon Herbert came along in his disguise and saw the two penguins, ignoring them, and they ignored him. The cowboy (Herbert) said to the drillers, "What be you doing 'round here? I told ye to make me a island full o  
trees, only with the cove in store." The penguins knew Club Penguin already was to friendly to plants but they didn't need to be THAT friendly. The EPF penguin and the other penguin both wanted their friends back. It was time. They needed to get bigger revenge on Herbert!

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