"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

2000 Hits!

Hey guys! We just reached 2000 Hits! Another THOUSAND hits! So that means. . .


Here is the info:

Like I said after the last party, at this party I hope to see MUCH more people!

This is a chance for you to earn the "Meeting Woddylan" stamp! LOL!!!!

Also, a chance to get my prize! LOL!!!!!
When you meet me, click the box button (pictured above) to earn a prize!!! LOL!!! I'm now a CP Mascot!


  1. Comment and tell us if you can make it to the party!

  2. Hey do you want me to record because i might be able to make it.

  3. Of course you should, if you can make it. But if you change your mind, It's ok because I'll be recording too.

  4. I will come. Depends if I come on time from gynastics! Anyway I will record with Hypercam2! Its good since my webcam does not record me breathing or typing!


Hi there :) When you comment, please no cussing, spam, or inappropriate language. Note that all comments are moderated. Have fun! :)