"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Club Penguin Times issue #406

Check out this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times!

Steal the Secret Plans.

Message from Princess Cadence: Okay guys! Fly to the Death Star! Remember to keep it real cause you gotta find your way in, and don't get caught. This is gonna need some serious concentration. So, use the Force and stay FOCUSED!!

To steal the plans, you need a whole lotta stealthy moves. Watch out for Dearth Herbert--that guy's bad news! So, make sure ur puffles are well behaved! We can't have them burping up Puffle O's and giving away our location. This place is crawling with Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers! And u don't wanna get locked up in the detention cells. Not cool.

Navigate your way through this über scary space station for an EPIC WIN! Nab the secret plans, so we can analyze the data and find the Death Star's weakness. Once we know that--we can TOTES destroy the Death Star. The fate of the galaxy rests with you! Let's do this!

Tired of Darth Herbert? Go meet Helga, and trade your Stormtrooper helmet for a Viking one at the Stage.

Forces of the dark side are on the rise

By Princess Cadence -- Darth Herbert's evil forces r growing stronger. Stormtroopers r taking over the Dance Club and capturing anyone seen busting a move! There's no laughing and having fun on the dark side, GUYS!! Say goodbye to pizza too, unless u can talk to Darth Herbert into sharing! And I don't think he's really into that.

So, gather more Rebel forces. We need to defeat the Stormtroopers, defend Club Penguin and reclaim our dance floor! Get the word out everyone!!! And let's get this battle started! Princess Cadence, OUT!


Aug. 8 Fly to Yavin 4
Fly to the base and destroy the Death Star!

Aug. 8 Penguin Style
Bold colors and classic summer style--Get this season's latest looks!

Aug. 15 Ruby and the Ruby
Enjoy a sparkling mis of drama, mystery, and fun! At the Stage.

Infiltrate the Death Star. Go! Go! Go!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until August 7.
Next pin hidden: August 8-21


What is the dark side?
-Dar K. Psyd

The Force has both a light and dark side. The dark side lies in the hearts of evil. Just as Tusk turns towards the shadows, misguided Jedi turn from the light. Their cookies are inferior, and their tea is always cold. If that is not enough, their power is fuelled by anger, fear adn greed. It is a destructive force. Follow your own path, and not the dark side's path of fear.

Like ninjas, Jedi Masters learn to recognize fear, accept, and overcome it. Once you have mastered fear, the light side of the Force will guide you. (It also has better Lightsabers).

How do I become a Jedi Master?
-J. Dye

Long is the journey
To be a Jedi Master
You must learn the ways

Members must duel worthy opponents, and learn the ways of the Force. This requires great skill and concentration. Use your strength and courage to know the ways of the Jedi. Remember, patience is the key to understanding. Understanding is the key to knowledge. Then wisdom will come with much practice. When the Force is mastered, use it only for good. As a Jedi Master, it is your responsibility to serve and protect the galaxy.



Move the blocks until you can move your key successfully into the lock. Move the long vertical blocks to the bottom of your screen to give you more room. Persistence is the key. So, don't give up!


Q. What do elephants do in the evenings?
A. Watch elevision!

Q. What sport do elephants and ants play?
A. Squash!

Q. Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
A.  Because he thought it was a high school!

Q. How did the pig get to the hospital?
A. By HAM-bulance!

Q. How do you organize a space party?
A. You planet!

Q. What do you call a peanut that goes into space?
A. Astronut!

Q. What do you call a letter in space?
A. An astro-note!
-Agent Spyder

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