Hey fellow penguins Andybillson here! Along with Mr.Wodd I will be giving away a membership code(S) this year.(I will give out three one year codes)
I will also give-away about 10 maybe 15 magazine codes, Lastly 1 coin code!

I still don't know how I'm going to give them away! Maybe me and Mr.Wodd do A giveaway. Do you have any ideas how we/me should do them?Let us know in the comments.
Andybillson I am giving you a second chance to not steal from my blog. I am so glad that you were kind enough to get some codes! I got a few codes to give away, too! Could you please email some of the codes to:
Not all of them, some. I promise to not use them myself. Let's email each other to figure out ways to give them away. Thanks!
Woddylan! Personally, I like this theme better than I did the last one! It's simpler, yet still more awesome. Just wanted to say that.
ReplyDeletesorry! I will NEVER still from ur blog again!!Will you ever forgive me?I will be shure to email you the "Some" of the codes! Besides that I stole from your blog I'm I doing a good job at posting? I have a few wallpapers,logo for you(Is that good for my opology?).Hope you have a good day!
You could just have a hat. and draw names out of it ;)