"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Views Dropping and My Little Plan *MUST READ*

Note: Listen to the song above while reading.

Hi there, penguin pals. I don't feel like putting an exclamation point at the end of that sentence. This is not a fun post. This is not a silly post. This is a serious post. This is not any RanDOM Weird stuFF. This is a discussion post. I might do more of these, but I don't usually have a topic. My views are dropping really low. Between 50 and about 150 views each day. This is not good news. I have a plan, that I think will help once I start doing it more. My plan is to start adding labels to posts. That way when people search for something Club Penguin related, they might come up with my labels that lead to my blog. I think this will work, but the bad thing is that I will have to do this for probably  a long while in order for it to work. I also would like to ask you fans out there, if you have a blog, please put my blog on your blogroll (if you have one)! If you tell me that my website is on your blogroll, I will check, and if it really is, then I will put your blog on my blogroll. If you are reading this, thank you so much for helping me along the journey. But I personally don't want this journey to stop, as it is slowing down. This is a journey to somewhere where this blog is really popular. I know that we have over 13,000 views, but still. If you know the blog Echo006 In Club Penguin, that blog started just about two months earlier than mine. So mine blog has over 13,000 views and over 400 posts, but his has over 50,000 views and over 1,200 posts. I would congratulate Echo006, because I could obviously not accomplish that. I hope you bloggers out there are listening. This is very important post that needs to be read. I thank you all that are reading this, and I hope I get to that place that this journey is all about.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We both opened our blogs on the same day. I have 5482 hits. No one wants to work on my blog. I get 2 comments a week. How do you think I feel?

  3. Wow. I don't know what to say.I usually get way less than 2 comments a month. I'm glad you are joining in the conversation.

  4. Sure Woddylan, I'll still check out your blog :)


  5. It's great to see that your making a come-back! Keep up the great work, and keep on being the great person you already are right now... and, if it helps any, you're beating my blog's stats right now. ;)



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