Here's our latest Club Penguin Times:
Rainbow puffles find good homes.
By PH - Crikey, what a discovery! This place just got a lot more colorful, thanks to our newest puffles species. I'm excited to say that they're finding good homes with penguin all over the island.
Members who complete their Puffle Care Quest can blast into the Cloud Forest and adopt a rainbow puffle.
"The Cloud Forest is AWESOME!" One pizza chef said. "You get up there and can see the island below, and there's a bunch of rainbow puffles playing." "And then, one of them came out and picked ME!"
A penguin in a prom dress could barely contain her excitement. "Oh my! I juts adore my rainbow puffle! When I got up into the Cloud Forest, he CHOSE me! I named him Sir Reginald. He's so majestic! I can't wait to get him a crown."
"All my other puffles were mighty excited to meet him. They're getting along like peas and carrots. My orange one even shared his squid and pickle pizza!"
Members, if ya think ya got what it takes to care for a rainbow puffle, head to the Hotel Lobby to start your quest.
Think you have what it takes to be a Puffle Care Expert? Apply now at the Puffle Hotel!
Pamper your pets today!
By Aunt Arctic - It's a very exciting day here in Club Penguin. The Puffle Hotel is now open! Penguin and puffles have been stopping by all day to check out the new building.
"It's a WILD success," PH exclaimed. "What an awesome space for puffles to exercise, get groomed, eat, and relax!"
I encourage everyone to drop by for this grand opening celebration. And while you're there, you can start your Puffle Care Quest in the Hotel Lobby. Members will earn their Puffle Expert Outfits, and can adopt a rainbow puffle. And everyone gets paychecks when the complete their puffle care tasks.
So what are you waiting for? Take your pet for a walk, and join the puffle party of the year at the Puffle Hotel!
Apr. 5 Penguin Style
What's your style? New fashions coming to the Clothes Shop soon.
Apr. 5 Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal
Club Penguin's greatest heroes take on the ultimate foe at the Stage!
Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until April 4.
Next pin hidden: April 5 - 17
How many puffles can I adopt?
-Mannie Patts
It's great to see so many penguins interested in adopting and caring for puffles. Everyone can adopt puffles (red or blue). And members can adopt up to twenty puffles. I've done some research and found that twenty puffles is a LOT.
It's for sure the most anyone can take care of at one time. How many puffles ya adopt is really up to you. But ya gotta make sure ya can take care of 'em all.
Puffles can be quite a handful. Sometimes it's hard enough getting one puffle to take a bath, let alone twenty. Try adopting one or two at first before you decide to pick up another. I know you'll enjoy having a pet. Have fun with your puffles!
A little bit of care and attention goes a long way.
How do I become an excellent puffle owner?
-Cary N.
I'm glad ya asked! I love sharing puffle care tips with everyone, and helping puffles find great owners. There's a few things ya can do to become a great puffle owner. First, read up on the different types of puffles species in the Puffle Handbook. Each puffles species is unique, and likes different things. Once you've adopted a puffle, ya can bring it to the Puffle Hotel and start the Puffle Care Quest.
The quest will ask ya to complet efour different puffles care tasks: exercising, grooming, feeding and relaxing. If ya do all four things, you'll know almost everything there is about puffle care.
But the most important party is a whole lotta love and attention. So greet 'em when ya come home to your igloo, and give 'em plenty of hugs.
Looking to get good at the Pufflescape game? Well then I've got some tips for ya!
* Use the environment to help ya reach some of the O'Berries. SOme objects will move around if ya click on 'em.
* Ya gotta collect the O'Berry bunch if ya wanna unlock the extreme mode.
*Once ya collect and O'Berry, the tips will turn on. Use 'em if ya get stuck.
Q. What did the flower say to the bicycle?
A. Petal!
Q. Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
A. Because they'll crack up!
Q. What do you call a peanut in space?
A. An astro-nut!
-Peni Yooni
Q. Why is it to easy to weigh fish?
A. They have their own scales!
Q. Why do calendars eat?
A. dates!
Q. Who comes to a picnic but is never invited?
A. Ants
Q. Why didn't the elephant use the computer?
A. It was scared of the mouse!
Q.What dance can you do in the sink?
A. Tap dancing!
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