"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

Smith Moose's Adventure Time Travel Part 9

Herbert explained that he was saying that because the ninjas worked for the Evilest. And then they spotted another one! Herbert explained that the Evilest ninja worker dudes came in many different colors. It was hard to tell them apart from actual ninjas.
Just then they started popping out of nowhere. They knew what to do. Herbert and Smith Moose ran as fast as they ever had in their lives to the Underground HPF (Herbert Penguin Force)  HQ. Smith Moose asked Herbert what they could do about the ninjas. Herbert said, "Well, we cou--" he got cut off. Just then light started striking out of Smith Moose's body!
 Smith Moose was losing his evil powers! Then Smith Moose grew angel wings and flew off to the GPF (Good Penguin Force) HQ in the clouds. After that a different angel (FYI his name was Andrew) came out of nowhere. The only reason the Good Angels had black wings was because of the color change. If the colors were normal, their wings would be white. Anyways, the angel from Good explained to Herbert that the Good Side was gaining power to make people good. But of course it was REALLY good that they turned Smith Moose good again!
To be continued  .  .  .              In the Final Battle  .  .  .  

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