"Waddle on!" ~Lane Merrifield (Billybob)

My Thoughts: Prehistoric Party

Hi penguins! I haven't really done a My Thoughts post that is very interesting or fun to read yet, so this is like my first REAL My Thoughts post. Anyways, I need to tell you something. Echo006 recently made a post on his epic blog, and we thought the same thing. We're wondering if you will still be in normal Club Penguin until you go into the Time Trekker. This could be possible, but it would probably cause some glitches. Maybe when you log in for the first time after the party starts then you automatically end up in the Time Trekker. Let's say it is true that you can stay in the normal Club Penguin unless you go into the Time Trekker. Then there would probably be some glitch where the next time you log on you are in the Prehistoric Club Penguin even if you didn't time travel! Well, everything I just said could be wrong. I really don't know. Time will tell.



  1. I've decided I will join CPWW but under the condition that I post the stories on my blog!


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