I've been thinking, where have my friends been? Logged on to Club Penguin, saw them, and joined the fun.
Hey there penguin pals! Nice to see all of you! Today I was logging on to Club Penguin and guess what, my two pals, Icequix and Penguiin23 were there! So I would like to show you some pictures of us having fun. :D
Meeting new friends, getting to know them at my igloo. :)
Still hanging out and smiling with Icequix, Penguiin23, and my new friends, Fluffybun 67, Pipkin2003, and Bobby 123 Ab.
Recycling at the Recycling Plant :D
And relaxing at Sam2k14's awesome Starbucks igloo. :)
Hey there penguin pals! Nice to see all of you! Today I was logging on to Club Penguin and guess what, my two pals, Icequix and Penguiin23 were there! So I would like to show you some pictures of us having fun. :D
Meeting new friends, getting to know them at my igloo. :)
Still hanging out and smiling with Icequix, Penguiin23, and my new friends, Fluffybun 67, Pipkin2003, and Bobby 123 Ab.
Recycling at the Recycling Plant :D
And relaxing at Sam2k14's awesome Starbucks igloo. :)
AWESOME! Very fun moments we had!